Mon 27 Jan
Limited time 🌺🌴10o 🌴🌺 I Want to see YOU before I leave 😊😊😊 - 21
(Nashville, Brentwood Franklin Cool springs)
EARLY BIRD!! "CHERRY D'MINA" ♥ RoCkAbiLLy ReBeL 1St TiMe HeRe!! ♥ PIN-UP ReDH*E*A*D - 29
(Brentwood/Cool Springs, Nashville , Franklin Baby!!)
# ❶ Choice For GENTLEMEN __ S~E~X~Y ***** C~O~L~L~E~G~E ~ ***** G~I~R~L~ ***** Ter REVIEWED - 20
(Franklin, Brentwood, Cool Springs)
-:¦:- MY NEW PICTURES -:¦:- ~ ^~ WiLL~^~ HaVe~^~ YoUr~^~ HeArT~^~ RaCiNg~^~ 4~^~ MoRe ~^~ - 19
(Franklin, Brentwood, Cool Springs)
♥~^~ ~^~ ╠╣ EART ~^~RACING ~^~ ╠╣ OTTIE ~^~♥~^ - 24
(Nashville, Brentwood/Franklin/Cool springs)
Canadian Beauty that will KNOCK your SOCKS off....Treat youself!! - 29
(Nashville, Franklin / Cool Springs / Brentwood)
°☎° C_Õ_M_P _£__T__£_Y_ °☎ ° _§_Â_T_I_ §_F_Y_I_Ñ_G °☎° C££ ÑÕW 602-904-5035 - 19
(Cool Springs, Franklin, Brentwood, etc)
________ ________ ________ _______ ________ ______ _______ ______ ______ ______ CHOCOLATE ______ ___ - 25
(BRENTWOOD and surroundings nashvill area)
Amazing END of week SPECIALs ****** Good things do come in small packages!!! - 32
(Nashville, Franklin / Cool Springs / Brentwood)
Angie is back to play , looking for the best than look no further;) - 25
(Nashville, Nashville franklin Columbia)
Sat 11 Jan
★ H☼TT§T ★ (×X×) Last Day★ PLÂ¥MÂT ★ - 24
(Nashville, Brentwood/Franklin/Cool springs)
Hottest blonde ever upscale clean fun come have the time of your life - 23
(Brentwood cool springs Franklin, Nashville, Tri-Cities)
Fri 10 Jan
⚪️✳️❌⚪️✳️❌⚪️✳️❌ Blonde 👸👸 Barbie ⚪️✳️❌ Your 💭💭 Thoughts ⚪️✳️❌My 💋💋 Actions 💋💋 ⚪️✳️❌ ⚪️✳️ - 23
(Brentwood/Cool Springs, Nashville, Nashville Franklin Brentwood)
Thu 09 Jan
(Nashville, franklin/brentwood/cool springs/mfboro)
________ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ ________ MASSAGE _______ by _________ VANESSA - 25
(brentood- nashville- franklin-)
Wed 08 Jan
💋SNoW BuNNy ✦▬▬▬▬▬▬✦ T!GHT GR!P ✦ ✦ PERFECT H!PS✦▬▬▬▬▬▬✦💋 BLoNDe PLaYMaTe - 21
(Brentwood,Nashville,Franklin, Brentwood/Cool Springs, Nashville)
Mature enough to know... youthful enough to know how... - 36
(Brentwood/Cool Springs, cool springs Franklin Brentwood)
MAKE -:¦:- ME -:¦:- Y O U R :: ☆ N E W :: ☆ :: A * D * D * I * C * T * I * O * N : - 19
(Franklin, Brentwood, Cool Springs)
-:¦:- My New Pictures ! -:¦:- I ~ ^~ WiLL~^~ HaVe~^~ YoUr~^~ HeArT~^~ RaCiNg~^~ FoR~^~ MoRe ! ! ! - 19
(Franklin, Brentwood, Cool Springs)
Tue 07 Jan
(¯`'.¸+ VISITING+ ¸.'´¯) (¯`'.¸+ LATIN Princess + ¸.'´¯) (¯`'.¸+True HOTTIE + ¸.'´¯) - 21
((Cool Springs) Brentwood, Franklin)
Mon 06 Jan
°* ° :¦:-° PLEASURE» -(¯`v´¯)- »LIKE» -(¯`v´¯)- »NO» -(¯`v´¯)-» OTHER ° :¦:-°°* - 19
(Franklin, Brentwood, Cool Springs)
Sun 05 Jan
Tired of the dead lay? Call me it won't be that way;) - 25
(Nashville, Franklin, Brentwood , cool springs)
MAY is Customer Appreciation Month! The BEST RUBDOWN in Town! - 41
Sat 04 Jan
▅ ▆ ▇ █ EXOTIC FILLIPINA █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ 🔥🔥BUSTY NURU LOVER🔥🔥Visiting 🔥▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ SLIPPERY 🔥🔥 - 27
(Brentwood/Cool Springs, franklin-incall)
▅ ▆ ▇ █ EXOTIC FILLIPINA █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ 🔥🔥BUSTY NURU LOVER🔥🔥Visiting 🔥▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ SLIPPERY 🔥🔥 - 27
(Brentwood/Cool Springs, franklin-incall)
Fri 03 Jan
Thu 02 Jan