Wed 08 Jan
By Appointment & ONLINE Get A New Perspective On Life! - 23
(Nashville, 3807 DICKERSON PIKE SUITE i)
SOUTHERN BELLES 💋💋 Sexy Busty and 💋Gorgeous Girls 💋Waiting to give you an unforgettable experience. - 25
Sexy Classy and Beautiful - Looking for Nashvilles Best-- - 33
(Nashville, Downtown and close to the airport)
SEXY BUSTY Hot and Ready Brunette At Your Service..OUTCALL ONLY - 26
Girlfriend & I in town this weekend, one of us, both of us, men, women, couples welcome inca - 25
(Nashville, Middle TN)
Girlfriend & I in town this weekend, one of us, both of us, men, women, couples welcome inca - 25 - 25
(Nashville, motel)
★ ★ ★ Hey Baby! ** Play With This Blonde Hottie ** 24/7 Out Calls ** Great Reviews - 24
(Nashville, Downtown*Airport*Nashville*Surrounding)
New In Town ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ 🍀🍀 337-200-2792 🍀🍀 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃Exotic Bombshell▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 23
(in call/outcall, Nashville)
MAKE -:¦:- ME -:¦:- Y O U R :: ☆ N E W :: ☆ :: A * D * D * I * C * T * I * O * N : - 19
(Franklin, Brentwood, Cool Springs)
London ready to please u with GREAT SPECIALS like never before....check out website for info - 28
24Hr ~~ 2HR ~~~ 24Hr ~~~~~ #1 ( PeTiTe~ BLoNdE) ~~~~~~24Hr ~~ 2HR ~~~ 24Hr ~~~~~ #1 ( PeTiTe~ BLoNdE - 25
(Nashville, OUTCALL 24/7)
A+ ___ B/L/O/N/D/E ___ E(U)R(O)P(E)A(N __*** _A+_ ExPeriEnce ___ B/L/O/N/D/E ___ E(U)R(O)P(E)A(N - 30
Tue 07 Jan
(( S* E* X* Y__B* U* T* T* E* R* F* L* Y )) - Dickson -2P.M.. -7 P.M. Only !!! - 34
(¯`'.¸+ VISITING+ ¸.'´¯) (¯`'.¸+ LATIN Princess + ¸.'´¯) (¯`'.¸+True HOTTIE + ¸.'´¯) - 21
((Cool Springs) Brentwood, Franklin)
Tall Sexy Italian TS in town saturday july 3 .4 .5 and 6 Happy Birthday America - 30
EXOTIC ~*-:¦:-*~ S € D U C † i V € ~*-:¦:-*~ DANGEROURSL¥ SEXY ~*-:¦:-*~ ADDiCTiNG - 24
(Nashville, south nashville)
Hot & SEx-X-x-y CALI BARBIE* ♥ | -B\ -R\ -I\-T \-A \-N \-Y | LAST DAY SPECIALS! - 23
(murfreesboro pike)
London ready to please in Clarksville GREAT SPECIALS like never before..check out website for info. - 28
♛ N E v E R ✦ S E t t L E ♛ F O R ✦ L E s s ♛ SE HABLA ESPANOL - 20
(Nashville, Murfreesboro/incall)
♤♡♢♧$200 two girl special!!! We are a duo you won't want to miss♡♤♢♧ - 24
(Clarksville, clarksville in and out call)
Mon 06 Jan
FIVE STAR COMPANIONS; Join the Top Rated Agency in the Country. Now Hiring beautiful & fit ladies. - 38
(Nashville, Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
👀👅 Super Hot🔥🔥80$ spls all day!! Sexy blonde here to cater to you💯% Real pics in or 🚘_ - 21
(Brentwood area off 65 Incall/ outcall, Nashville)
H"O"T ___________ B"L"O"N"D"E _________ __________ H"O"T ___________ B"L"O"N"D"E __________ H"O"T - 28
★ ★ Highly Reviewed Blonde .. ♥ .. 24/7 Out Calls ★ ★ - 25
(Nashville, Downtown/Airport/Franklin/Murfreesboro)
**Blac & Porta Rican cutie wit a BOOTY 200 one hour Special (in & outs)**Up all nite** - 24
✨💎 Busty Upscale Platinum Blonde 🏪 SPECIALS! IN/OUT! 💎✨ - 24
(Mem, W.Mem, Casinos/Tunica, Desoto Cnty, Memphis)
XXNAUGHTYXX ExOtiC JUICY Chic ready NOW for AMAzinG time w/ MATURE UpScALe MeN** - 24
(Nashville, nashville murfreesboro)
OH MY LOOK inside to find everything you want and desire!!!! BUSTY BUSTY BUSTY - 28
👄👄OUT call and Incall SPECIALS🌟🌟REMI RED👀 is bACk aNd looKiNg fOr WiLd FuN 💯... 615 545 2269 - 21
(Downtown Nashville, Nashville)
•°•°• (O P E N)*•* ToP cHoiCe EbONy DUo •°•° NaTuRaL *•* BuSTY *•* SExY•°•°• - 20
••°• ExCluSiVe MaGiC ShOW •°• MoSt B@ng 4 Ur Buck ¤°¤° - 26
(Nashville, Southern Middle TN in/out calls)
Eve ry Days a Beautiful Day So Come & Enjoy One With Me:)(Call now 615-674-5101) - 75
(Nashville, Nashville/Bellevue/ In call or Out call)
Eve ry Rub BeeBee Rubs is Good & Sweet (615-674-5101) In call/Out call - 99
(Nashville, In call/Out call /Call Now!!!!)
Sun 05 Jan
ARe You Ready TO TRAVEL & MaKe A ToN Of MonEy! WE NeeD GirLS 4 SprINg & SuMMER ToUrS $$$ Paid DaILY - 31
(Nashville, Beware Of Agencies With No Websites)